Events 2004

 60th anniversary of D-Day_1

Normandie 60. Jahrestag der Landung

3. - 10. Juni 2004

 Huldange Luxenbourg_1

Huldange Luxenbourg

22.-25. Juli 2004

 Camp 1944

Convoy to Remember Switzerland

6. - 8. August 2004


Operation Black Earth Belgium_12

Operation Black Earth Belgium

2. - 5. September 2004

Dropzone Eindhoven Holland_18 

Dropzone Eindhoven Holland

17. - 19. September 2004

 Operation Sunrise _12

Operation Sunrise TV Doku

Oktober 2004

 Liberation Uffheim _6

Liberation Uffheim Frankreich

14. November 2004

 Battle of the Bulge Bastogne_6

Battle of the Bulge Bastogne

17. - 19. Dezember 2004